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  пресс-релизы компаний: международных, СНГ, Украины , России
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Военная агрессия России против Украины

Коллеги, 24 февраля Россия начала открытое вторжение в Украину.
Мы полностью солидарны с украинским народом в борьбе с оккупантами и желаем Украине не просто мира, а победы.
России должен быть нанесен максимальный урон не только в военной, но и в других сферах. Только таким образом возможно обрести настоящий, а не русский мир.
Для поддержания Вооруженных сил Украины в борьбе с российскими оккупантами, Национальный банк Украины открыл спецсчет (доступны все основные валюты)
Российский фашизм будет повержен. Слава Украине!

The athletes will feel themselves warm and comfortably in the Olympic Games mountains in Sochi

The contract for delivery of 709 intercity class GOLAZ "Voyage" buses worth more than 6 billion roubles was concluded specially for the Sochi Olympic Games 2014.
The buses will be used for transport service of the guests and athletes of the XXII Winter Olympic Games and the XI Winter Paralympics during the whole period of competitions. All buses will be equipped with the modern updated system of heating and air-conditioning.
The specialists of ACEX Group international transport company had to organize the delivery directly from Istanbul from the largest producer of the climatic equipment - Webasto Rus company.
"The feature of the transportation was extreme urgency of delivery. But we managed to implement our task and didn't allow idle time, even despite the customs difficulties, which have faced recently all carriers when crossing the border of Ukraine - Belarus", – Alexey Lipatov, the head of multimodal department of ACEX Group.
The logistics specialists of ACEX Group have transported about ten euro-trucks, with 15 sets of the expensive climatic equipment in each one of them. ACEX Group has being carried out transportations from the various countries of the world for the representative of the largest German concern Webasto for more than 10 years.
Specialists of the company hope that the installed air-conditioners will help athletes to avoid overcooling in the mountains and won't allow overheating at the seaside. We wish victories and gold medals for the Russian national team!

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